Saturday, October 16, 2010

business ideas #3

You know what I feel really frustrated about?

It's when I learn that there was a great event.... yesterday or last week.
When I just missed really good opportunity. When I had the chance to hear some cool new idea, to share things with people from my crowd, when I didn't know I could have been at that relevant event and find out just too late.

They say the things you regret are the ones you did not do.

What I need is a way to find out what happened at an event that did not get too much press coverage, or for which the reports and reviews are very scattered, very diverse.

Tonight there was an event about "how to plan a world tour" if you are a student looking to go around the world on an ethical, social tour. I could not go.
But I would love to get the information!! and not just from the reviews by journalists and professional bloggers, but also visiting experts who don't usually blog, and just the average attendant.

I need a "rewind" button on the events I missed, and to be able to reply them in front of me as well. I need a mash of ideas, pictures, media, that bring to life the course of the discussion.
Just like does. Only for more events, for more people, more often.

Social Networking

Last Saturday, I found out on twitter that there were some movie tickets to win. I am following the SonyPictures French twitter account. So I answered the 3 easy questions on the quizz, filled in the contact fields, and went to bed, and then worked for the whole week.
A few days later in my mail was an invitation for 2 people to go and see the movie!

Awesome feeling, and great positive example of corporate marketing on the social network :
- Sony gets it right by offering contests and game on twitter;
- the winners are hooked: i'm sure to follow it regularly now, and to participate in the next games.
- it also succeeds in generating traffic towards the facebook page,which I have now visited, and otherwise wouldn't have.

Ironic fact: I won tickets to see the movie about Facebook... thanks to Twitter :)

True, yet awesome, story!