Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trying to post pictures from my mobile!

Old randon pics :)

Envoyé à partir d'un téléphone mobile Sony Ericsson G705u

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blogging from my mobile

As I mentioned in the past, blogging from my mobile was the ultimate
step that I was looking forward to, as a mobility and connectivity
addict. I've managed to transfer a lot of my online activities and
interactions, from social networks (personal as well as professional)
to news feeds, to looking for an address or the price of a seat for
tonight's play. Granted, my phone's battery is always dead in one day.
But i find it's worth it! Big day today... For my very first post from
mobile! It's the opening of a world of opportunities. Though i may
just switch to twitter soon, boomsieesini its much more suited to
writing tiny bits of information hat are only important the moment
they are written... To be continued, then.

Envoyé avec mon mobile

"Wisdom is the supreme part of happiness" Sophocles.