I am writing this from Vietnam, in the middle of a round-the world trip.
This is a journey with many sides to it, but in a word I am traveling to amazing places, from world-known tourist spots to secluded places some locals do not even know about. A witness to the most surprising landscapes and situations, from central India to kenyan game reserves to quiet Shinto shrines in Japan, I am often at a loss to describe what I see, and my picture are but feeble attempt at rendering how stunning and alive the world is.
Traveling for 12 months, on 5 continents, with my girlfriend. No real "work", just working on my passion, meeting passionate entrepreneurs and sharing some insights with students hungry for knowledge and advice. This might have been true at all ages, but it feels like there is no better time than today to be doing what i am doing.
When I describe what we do, people ask me "how do you balance your personal and professional lives?", or "how did you make it happen?". But I never know how to answer them. On various occasions, I sat on a stage in front hundreds of students and young graduates, eager to know my secret on making "such an amazing (and romantic) project come true". My answer is the same as that of the other speakers on stage:
- "follow your heart"
- "anything is possible, do not forget that"
- "everyday do something scary. It is bound to bring you something good over time".
So, people say that I am "living the dream".
But I disagree. I am living a difficult time, having to manage myself, my relationship, travel logistics, sponsors and stakeholders, friends... and all those people are suddenly miles and time zones away, making it more difficult to meet for a coffee or even call them iup without risking to wake them up in the middle of the night.
The dream is what you see from the outside. For now, I get to experience it only at selected moments of quietness, mindfulness and focus. Those moments are the ones that will make it a dream experience when I look back over it, after it's over.
I wish it was already over and I would have only the good moments. But I still have to go through a few travel hazards. Somehow... I'm still looking forward to it :)